Archive for March 2014

Some great writing followed by no drinking whatsoever...

So, last night we had Tracey reading a new piece about an Australian woman arriving at a not very welcoming boarding house - well, I wouldn't want to stay there!  Clare read another cracking excerpt from her latest book.  I really look forward to hearing her read at the group, she has such a way with words and I can't wait to find out how this story develops. Her description of a woman waking up in the morning after the night before with a man she doesn't know that well was spot on, so well observed.

We had a flying visit from Jeff Achampong who promised terminator style, 'I'll be back', and we certainly hope so Jeff. Then we admired the new coffee machine which looks very complicated and is covered in dials and buttons  ( must try and work out how to use it ) Then your dedicated committee members had to knuckle down to some very boring committee work, and thus we did not go to the pub - see what sacrifices we make for you! I trust normal service will be resumed at the next group on April 3rd.

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The waiting is the hardest part

Really looking forward to seeing everyone tonight - rumour has it there is a new coffee machine in place and I'm guessing that's not all that will be brewing tonight...I mean some great stories brewing - geddit :-)

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Marching on World Book Day

So tonight was World Book Day and what better way to celebrate than to be swaddled in wonderful words. We reunited with Tracey's wondering, wandering ingenue. Mary mused on loss, doughnuts and jack rabbits. Mandeep had us meditating on being coerced into finding enlightenment and Clare had us all hot under the collar with the frolicking antics of a bonneted lady in full bloom.

Then it was on to the pub to discuss Lily departure to Ukraine. We wish her luck with her endeavours and look forward to hearing all that is going on there, no doubt delivered in Lily's wonderful prose.

Next meeting on the 20th March. Look forward to seeing you there. 

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