Summer in the City

Well, you could knock me down with a feather - you just have to mention the possibility of holding the group in the pub garden - and twelve people turn up! Despite the occasional airplane noise and the odd patron wondering into the garden to discuss Eastenders at full volume, holding the group
al fresco turned out to be a great idea which we will no doubt re-visit.

Whilst sitting in the garden we were taken to visit a sultry summer camp in America and a model posing for an art class in a cold room, we then met two ballet students, a terrorist and a woman wrestling with the philosophy of altruism. We also welcomed two new members and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, you should have been there. Perhaps next time eh?

If the sun is shining next Thursday, we will decided around four pm whether wgwg will be in the library as usual or at the pub, so watch this space for more instructions, we wouldn't want you to go to the pub by mistake...

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2 Responses to Summer in the City

Ossian said...

There was a dreadful machine that was grinding up people or something in the background periodically. When it stopped I could hear the ambulances, helicopters, jets and birds twittering delightfully without the aid of computers. There was pine resin dropping into people's hair, something I've never encountered before but have twice in one week. It must be a good year for pine resin.

clixby said...

I've never encountered the dreaded resin drop before - well, not pine resin anyway ;-) I thought I would have to cut it out and walk around with a tonsure, but in fact it washed out quite easily.


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