Archive for July 2010


Surrounded by women, I read out something about how intoxicating it had been to be surrounded by women.

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We are meeting in the library centre

We are meeting in the library centre on Thurs 29th.

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Unto the End of the Earth

Joe and Lily are going... Joe to China this weekend, Lily in a month or so to Siberia, thence China.

The group, which was good this evening, will be poorer for their departures.

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Rain, rain go away come again another day

We are meeting in the library centre tomorrow, Thurs 22nd. BBC News says it will rain hard.

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News just in:

Clare went home last night after the group and had a baby!

He is called Milo and came in at 5.7 pounds and is doing fine.

Mother also well, if a bit shellshocked...

Congratulations to all concerned from all of us at wgwg



You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

Lynsey is back in London for good, Andrew only for the week, but it was great to see them both back where they belong, at the writer's group.

Nine of us altogether last night, producing amongst other things:-

1. Four very good but, it has to be said, fairly depressing poems - two each from Lynsey and Lee
2. A discourse on the nature of writing from Maureen
3. A further chapter of Lily's story set in Russia
4. The final chapter of Claire's American story
5. A tongue in cheek piece about possible future developments in the field of human intelligence from Andrew

Then, as predicted, off to the pub, where we were treated, at about midnight, to an off the cuff rap poem by some bloke at the bar, called Terry.

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Where it's at...

This Thursday, we will mostly be meeting at Willesden Green Library. We are not sure if we will be in the upstairs or the downstairs room. Just follow the signs - look on it as a sort of find the Writers' Group game - fun eh! And of course, we are not forsaking the pub altogether, we confidently expect to end up in the pub.

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First it was too hot, then it was too cold.

I'd say we were frosted with sweat. But I'd get shouted down for mixing metaphors.

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Rain, rain, go away, come again another day

It might rain tomorrow. Or it might not.

In any case, we have booked a room at the library centre, which is where are meeting.

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Groupus Interruptus

It had been too good
To be true

Last night
One noise
Gave us such a fright

Mary was reading
And crash
Suddenly impeding

The song blared
From the stereo
Our hearing impaired

The nice barmaid
Smiled and said sorry
Returning us to the fade

Of a man's sight
Whose wife wore spandex
What a night!

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