You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

Lynsey is back in London for good, Andrew only for the week, but it was great to see them both back where they belong, at the writer's group.

Nine of us altogether last night, producing amongst other things:-

1. Four very good but, it has to be said, fairly depressing poems - two each from Lynsey and Lee
2. A discourse on the nature of writing from Maureen
3. A further chapter of Lily's story set in Russia
4. The final chapter of Claire's American story
5. A tongue in cheek piece about possible future developments in the field of human intelligence from Andrew

Then, as predicted, off to the pub, where we were treated, at about midnight, to an off the cuff rap poem by some bloke at the bar, called Terry.

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One Response to You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

maurwords said...

Well I am glad to have checked in!
I have really enjoyed the evenings I have been to over the past few months since moving back to London. I checked out of Chambers Lane Willesden 23yrs, altho i am new to the group it is a walk down memory lane for me to be there, back in the location that I left. Its somehow very satisfying to be having enjoyable evenings just there.... so yes you can leave it the ol rising sun ...the guinness..Terry the rapper...or the Writers Group that pulls you back. In my case the latter.
I am away for next 2 Thursdays but will be there on the 5th August,- an important one,- to say bon voyage to Lily on her amazing travels!


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