Thursday, from the perspective of Sunday...

Hallo.  I got so excited that Kensal Rise reached it's target, and then some, that I nearly forgot to blog.
Um, what happened Thursday night ?  Seems such a long time ago.  Ah yes, it's all coming back to me...
SJ read a blinder of a short story.  Really you should have been there, this story was bloody marvellous. I feel sorry for you because you didn't hear it. Where were you?  Mary read a much improved version of the one about the boy and his father with the ambiguous ending - I'm still not sure what happened at the end, and am quite happy with this state of affairs.  Jeff read out the next instalment of his new book, complete with instructions about how to cross the threshold of The Ritz (or not), Steve took us back to Ballymun Avenue for some great conversation and Lily read us one last story before heading off to Siberia.  Then we went to the pub.

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