A Room of Our Own

Wow, 2016 got off to a flying start yesterday for wgwg.  We actually got our own room for once so we didn't have to read out our stuff sat next to a table of young children playing on library computers.  Not saying we dislike children you understand, it's just that some of our stuff can be, ahem, of an adult nature, so it was nice not to feel inhibited by the thought of young ears inadvertently hearing something they shouldn't.  Let's hope we can have the room again in the future, it was almost like old times!

There were new faces around the table which is always exciting and some great poetry and prose was forthcoming, so I hope the newbies liked us as much as we liked them and their work and that they feel moved to join our merry throng.

Great prose, great poetry, exciting new people and then off to the pub - that's the way to do it!

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