Nothing to report. Nada, Rien, Zip

 So, um, I have nothing to report other than it was half term and I was there, ready willing and ( sort of  ) able, but where were you, oh my WGWG'ers?

 If you turned up after 6.30 I apologise but really, how long is a girl supposed to wait? Back in the day I only waited thirty minutes for Steve Williams to turn up before I left in a huff and I really, really fancied him.

So anyway, I went home after patiently waiting for thirty minutes for someone (anyone) to turn up and I opened a bottle of wine and watched a documentary about fascism and architecture, which I found very interesting though the presenter was annoying...

 The next group on June 16th is the last before the Summer break, so make sure you get there on time!  You have been warned, thirty minutes on my own, never mind Steve Williams, and I'm off...

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